Thursday, February 10, 2005

Is it too much to ask for soft facial tissue?

First off, I must take this opportunity to wish the lovely Catherine Bockenfeld, also known as KT Bock, a most joyous 21st birthday. I wish I was there to partake in the fesitivies! Have fun and drink lots of water.

Yet again, it is impossible for me to have an undisturbed sleep. Last night I woke up with a runny nose. After fumbling my way to the bathroom, and knocking into a chair on my way there, I had to use toilet paper to blow my nose. Apparently Kleenax, Puffs or the generic facial tissue, like soap, are not customary items Italians have in the bathroom. I don't care what culture you are, you need to wash your hands, and you are bound to get a runny nose. My room mate had trouble sleeping too and kept coughing.

I went to the tabacchi today in search of facial tissue. I stared at the toilet paper and napkins forever trying to see if a little tissue box was hidden amongst them. The organization of the tabacchis really doesn't make sense to me so I strolled the aisles. Of course it makes sense for the tissue boxes to be mixed in with the feminine products (which are a hoot on their own to figure out what they are, thanks to the interesting pictures).

The highlight of the day was definitely the big package from my parents. I think my wardrobe has doubled now. A hooded sweatshirt, polo, tons of t shirts and some warm soxes will definitely tide me over between using the semi-working washing machine. I'm also very excited about the flat iron. It's been 2.5 weeks since I've straightened my hair!

Tonight my advisory group is taking a bus to Castelfranco to eat at Panic Jazz. Whatever images conjure in your mind from the restaurant name, I'm sure you didn't think Mexican. Well, that's what it is. I'm just excited to not eat dorm food and have a field trip out of town.

The school organized a field trip for Saturday. We're headed to Verona for a few hours before making our way to Milan for a soccer game. Since I purchased an ''Italia'' shirt in Florence, hopefully I'll be able to blend in the crowd. Wishful thinking since none of us looking anything but touristy.


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