Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sinks are for more than spitting in.

This morning we took a little hike to Crespano del Grappa for their Sunday morning open market. The city sign informed us it was 1 km away, and it took 20 minutes to get there. It is busier than Paderno, and it was nice to see so many people (although we were very cautious of pick pocketers). The market was more impressive than I expected... there was fresh fish, fruit, clothes, cheap crap, shoes, purses, rugs, etc. The highlight had to be when we were standing by the rugs and the man behind the table asked if we were Americans. We nodded, not sure how much English he knew. He asked where in America, and although we tried to demonstrate a map of the United States with our hands and pointing right in the middle to Kansas, we're not sure he followed. He was from Morocco and when we left he said "Goodbye." It was so cute how he was trying to communicate with us. We may make it a weekly event when we are in town to go to the market because it's nice to get out of Paderno.

We finalized our plans for the first extended weekend that starts Friday. We're headed to Florence, and our train leaves Bassano at 0530...yes, 5:30 am! Which means we have to be up even earlier to travel there. Researching different hostels and trying to coordinate different trains is quite challenging. I guess I hadn't considered the fact I would become a travel agent during my semester abroad.

I washed a few shirts with woolite in my sink last night. Unfortunately, our bathroom isnt't set up like a normal one with a big shower and tub (like the picture on the box demonstrated), so the suction cups of my clothesline didn't have many options to affix to. I was finally able to stick them to our windows.

Our first official day of classes starts tomorrow. It will be nice to have a regular schedule. It's very weird that it's practically February and I am just beginning my semester.

I've decided to keep track of the number of meals I eat that are pasta with red sauce. Calculating that I arrived in Paderno Tuesday in time for dinner, but at out one night, I've had pasta 10 times in less than a week. And this number will only get bigger.


At 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Jacky,
A weekend at last! I didn't even check your site all weekend thinking you couldn't get access. Glad you did.
I love markets and am jealous that you're going to Florence. Don't worry about the early start since you have such a nice alarm clock to wake you up and you can take a nap later!
You have to pay almost $18 to do a load of laundry! Yikes! At least it's not hot and you can wear your clothes over and over. Europeans do. Also, they think Americans are weird smiling at strangers. They wonder why we're so happy. They are very, very gracious to people they know, but figure a stranger is a stranger.
How long does it take you to dry your hair? A lot longer than it does here?
Enjoy your first day of classes. By the way, your uncle Tom read a comment about kissing Italian boys. He thinks that should be men, not boys!
I'm signing as anonymous because I can't remember how I signed in originally on this stupid thing!!
Tía Catalina


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