Auvoir, Paris
On Sunday, our flight didn't leave Paris until 6 pm so we had some time to kill. Bryn and I went to Champs Elssys and walked up to the Arc de Triumphe. Unfortunately most all the shops were closed because it was Sunday but Sephora was open so we stopped in there. We went to Haussman Galleries in hopes the shopping mall would provide better opportunities to spend money, but it was closed as well. Finally we just settled on an outdoor cafe for lunch. My ham and cheese sandwich was very basic, but I treated myself to crepes for my last meal in Paris.
Since we were taking an extremely cheap airline home (I paid $40 total, including taxes, for my ticket from Paris to Venice) the airport was 90 minutes outside of Paris and we had to take a special shuttle there. First we took the subway for 35 minutes to the bus park. Then we paid 13 freakin euro for a 90 minute bus ride to the airport. Here's when the fun begins. We had THE MOST ANNOYING American woman, her baby and her baby's daddy (we're not sure they were married...) sitting a couple rows in front of us. The woman was sitting next to a European and had to compare everything between the two countries...from outlets to language. She was so loud and stupid we all wanted to hit her.
We arrived at the airport and checked in. But since my bag weighed more than 15 kg I had to redistribute the weight between my carry on and purse. Although the attendant said I didn't have to wait in line to check in, she disappeared in the midst of helping another client so I had to wait in line all over again. Very annoying.
When we were waiting in line for security and passport control, tons of people cut in line. That's so rude. Once we got inside, mass chaos erupted because RyanAir would make announcements about flights, but we didn't know what gate to use. People going to Milan and Rome were in the same room, but none of us knew where to sit. Once it was time to start boarding the place became a crowded zoo and a free for all to get to the plane first. Throughout the horrible experience I reminded myself that I was flying for $40 and it doesn't get much cheaper than that.
Even once we'd touched down in Venice-Treviso, we were still a far way from home. Although RyanAir calls this stop Venice, it's really Treviso, which is 45 minutes outside of Venice. We had to take a bus to the Treviso train station, followed by a train from treviso to venice, and another train from venice to bassano. Then a taxi home!! this is the insanity that is small town italy. transportation sucks!!!!! luckily there were 4 girls, so we split the 25 euro cab fare.
It was so nice to get home, take a long shower, unpack all my crap and not live out of a suitcase anymore!
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