Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Beware of ambiguous stick people

Today was busy, random and very eventful. My team (red) had the DaVinci Challenge today from 845 am until 530 pm. really went that long. They warned us of the physical activity and to wear comfortable clothes and now I know why. We started out with a jog from our classroom to the gym where we continued to stretch, balance on top of each other and other various odd forms of movements to that Milan (our Slovanian leader) told us to not worry about embarrassing our mothers.

After that was the pretzel game where you sit down across from some one, interlock arms and pull yourselves up and down three times. Easy enough...but Milan make us add a person after successfully completing each round. My group made it to 12 but not without falling on eachother a few times.

My favorite part of the day involved the 45 people in red team forming two lines. We each took turns leaning back and being hoisted arms length above everyone and got passed to the end of the line...which we exited by doing a backflip. Controlled crowd surfing if you will. We ended up grabbing more butts than I can count, and definitely got groped while being passed but, like Milan said, we learned a valuable exercise in trust.

We also did the trust fall. It was totally not a big deal after being passed up and down by peoples fingertips. The most challenging part was climbing a 12 foot wall. We busted out some cheerleading elevators... and I ended up scaling the wall at least 3 times. The four guys in our group who served as the bases were spent by the end of the exercise, but were definite muscle men troopers. We did almost drop people a lot, and one guy almost hit is head, but we certainly had a good laugh.

Ive had some traumatic experiences with bathrooms today. I went to the bathroom in the computer lab, not paying attention to the stick figures next to "toilette" and didnt realize until i exited that it was the boys room. it was gross, and they were the toilets a few inches off the ground with foot prints to stand it. i was afraid i would pee on myself. alas, i did not. the more traumatic bathroom experience was after the DaVinci challenge when i was headed to Conversational Italian. I went to the correct restroom this time, and when I was done, couldnt get out. I tried turning the lock so many times but nothing happened. Finally I banged on my door and another girl started screaming she was locked in too!!! She ended up busting out of her door (breaking it I think) and tried to free me. This attempt failed and she went for backup. Some guy tried picking the lock and throwing his body into the door too but stopped because he was breaking the door. The original girl again went for backup...but in the meantime a teacher came to help. She had been locked in early and said to push the button on the top in while turning the lock. Who knew!! I was finally free...but late 10 minutes to class.


At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Jackalee- I'm sorry it's yet to be what you've expected. But just wait... it's going to be so amazing traveling all over Europe!!! I'm jealous for sure. Just keep remembering that you're in a whole other country ... that's just freakin' amazing!

It's good that you and Lindsay are across from eachother ... now you have someone to talk to when you get homesick for your roomies. ;) Don't worry about the food. Last night Leanne made fish ... so we didnt' have good food either! You should buy some peanut butter and make peanut butter crackers. And maybe you should try the meat ... it's not like they are going to feed you bad meat!

I miss you lady. Be good and stay out of the bathrooms!

ps- Abby is in one of my classes!


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