Monday, April 11, 2005

Who is really bored? It's ME!

I am incredibly bored. There is just nothing to do. I would play spider solitare, but we don't have those access privileges on the Italian computers (apparently playing a game would compromise the integrity of their super speedy, high tech computers so we're only allowed to use Word and Internet Explorer).

I was looking forward to another soccer game on Jesus Field (undergrads versus grad students) but the office double booked the field and the Italians get first priority. There goes my evening plans. I have obsessively checked my email for new messages so excessively my eyes hurt (and if you're keeping track, I have not received nearly as many as I've sent out. Hint, hint... email me.)

I can't work on my newsletter article that's due Wednesday until I hear back from my sources in Lawrence... plus, the days leading up to a travel weekend are really hard to focus on homework. Katelyn and I are off to Rome Thursday afternoon. We'll head back to PDG one day before conclave starts. So I'm crossing my fingers (and you should too!) that I'll still be able to tour the Vatican and see the Sistine Chapel (I really, really want to) but I'm not holding my breath because I'll bet they'll already have them closed for security reasons. I'm still excited to go to Rome, but it'd be so much more complete with those stops.

A belated birthday shout out to Lauren Airey who's interning in DC this semester. I'm sending happy job hunting thoughts your way so I can come visit and we can experience DC together once again, but in the post-21 fashion :)

I booked a hostel for Cinque Terre for the Liberation Day weekend (an Italian holiday... the first we've experienced over here.) April 22-25 I'll be in the fabulous Italian Riviera with my most wonderful cousin Kristin who is studying abroad in Florence. I saw her when I visited Florence, but I'm excited for our special get away. Of course I'll return for three days of finals, but at least I'll have a relaxing weekend beforehand.

I'm getting really sick of pasta with red sauce. My taste buds have become numbed to the food and I'm actually not even tasting any sort of food properties when I insert the marinara and noodles into my mouth. I'm excited for some authentic Italian food in Rome and Cinque Terre (I'd be so picky as to request lasagne...)

I only have 11 days left in Paderno. That's really scary. Add to that three days in Rome, three days in Cinque Terre and then my school is officially finished! I think I'll be going to Spain and Nice when I'm done with school before I come home May 6 (and the offical count down - whether you're keeping it in weeks or days - is dwindling down to less than a month).

Yes! I just got an email. But it was from a list serv. Maybe I should move away from the computer slowly and leave the lab...


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